Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How Flexible Are You?

When developing content around your security product, do you know…
  • How the learners will implement your product?
  • Exactly what the learners need to know to do their job?

How flexible is your training solution?
Can you easily swap content in/out to deliver customized training?
Do you have use cases for various job sectors?
Can you speak the speak of your product in the context of learner needs?

While there are various methods on how to deliver training, if you don't know your audience, the delivery method is irrelevant. When developing training, spend time planning a solution that can be easily tailored to various learners. Create stories to link content between course portions and labs so that learners have the skills and foundation to help build a complete solution with your product. Plan to constantly create new and revisit existing stories to reflect changes in job sectors.

If your training solution is developed effectively, you can easily swap use cases and alter portions of training to meet specific learner needs at a minimal development cost to you while impressing learners with customized training.

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