Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Governments and Corporations Need People Like You and Me

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the echo chamber and the negativity within the InfoSec community. While there are negatives to InfoSec, and the IT sector in general, the positives will always outweigh the negatives.

What makes IT stand out from other professions?
  • How many job sectors depend on the IT sector?
  • How many job sectors truly have a world-wide community with overall common goals?
  • How many professions provide the opportunity for continual learning and improvement?
  • How many professions have multiple aspects and moving parts to provide constant challenges?
  • Which other job sectors offer multiple, some would say too many, gatherings in various countries throughout the year?
  • How many job sectors evolve consistently enough that the political and legal sectors cannot, and probably will never be able to, keep up?

I love IT…I love how it constantly challenges me and keeps me learning…I love how many people I have met and interact with using tools created in the IT sector.

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